Rotunda during the day

The two-step Animal Research Orientation Seminar is mandatory for all new faculty, staff, and students planning to work with animals at UVA. Completion is required to become an approved animal handler, and the completion of Step 1 (online module) is a prerequisite for registering for Step 2 (virtual seminar). 

Step 1: Complete the online module AALAS-ALL UVA - Orientation to the Animal Care and Use Program. Enter the protocol system as an animal handler (, complete the module, and pass the assessment. Completion will be automatically documented within the animal handler access training profile within the protocol system. 

Step 2: After completing Step 1, register to attend the virtual (zoom) Orientation Seminar by contacting The Office of Animal Welfare offers this seminar once monthly. Researchers have 60 days after being added to an animal use protocol to attend one of these sessions. Failure to complete the requirement will result in removal from the protocol. 




Tuesday, April 1st   10am-noonzoom
Wednesday, May 7th   3-5pmzoom
Thursday, June 5th   1-3pmzoom
Wednesday, July 9th  10am-noonzoom